Monday, July 10, 2017

Speech Coach for Professionals: The Relief That Comes From Talking Better

Speech Coach for Professionals:  The Relief That Comes From Talking Better

Speech Coach for Professionals
Speech Coach for Professionals

How do you spell relief for a corporate speaker who realizes she has difficulty saying specific speech sounds and is contstantly reminded of that by her business team.

A few months ago a trainer of corporate executives spoke with me about a speaking concern.  She had difficulty producing specific sounds of speech and her videographer had remarked about speech sound distortions that were present in her video recordings.  

She indeed had an articulation difficulty.  Articulation is the accurate production of the sounds of speech when they are formed by the lips, teeth, tongue and mouth.  If the tongue or surrounding structures makes any inaccurate movements, the sound will not come out clearly; it will become either distorted or omitted from within the word spoken which includes those sounds.  

She asked if there was any help for a problem such as that, and she was immediately shown how to position the tongue correctly for the errored sound.  Within a few days she was saying the sounds correctly and was totally focused on making sure that her speech was impeccable within conversation!   
 Here is the video link:  A Satisfied Corporate Executive

Corporate Executives and professionals are in the public eye constantly and their speech should reflect their personality.  Impeccable, accurate, focused, and clear.  

She no longer has any hesitation or concern about her speaking which has now freed her up to focus all her attention on the message and connecting with clients and new prospects.  She's very happy now to have mastered her speaking concern and has a new appreciation for fellow professionals who help improve the ability to speak and share powerful messages.

Speech Coach for Professionals Mark Ittleman has 44 years of experience helping people improve their ability to speak.  He works with those who have medical speaking difficulties as well as professionals and executives who wish to become clear, articulate speakers.  The ability to speak with clarity and  move audiences in the corporate and marketing arenas in today's business climate is essential.  Mark is certified as a speech language pathologist by the American Speech Language and Hearing Associations and holds professional licenses within the USA.  He also works with international patients and executives.  Call today to set up your free video conference consultation at 832-233-2601.

Speech Coach for Professionals, Pitfalls of Speaking Too Fast

Speech Coach for Professionals:   When one speaks too fast

Speech Coach for Professionals:  Mark A. Ittleman, M.S., CCC/SLP
A meeting was attended recently where a free breakfast was offered to 2,000 attendees in order to sell them a very upscale
software program.  The breakfast was exquisite and following its conclusion the salesperson gave the sales presentation.  He couldn't understand why people were walking out, and also talking to one another during his presentation.

One of the attendees informed me of what happened that morning and it was learned that NO ONE COULD UNDERSTAND WHAT HE WAS SAYING!  His speech was so fast and "low" that few, if any got the message.  What was worse?  The result.  Few sales when a year before there was a line to purchase the product that was very, very long.
Speech Coach for Professionals
Mark A. Ittleman

What was the difference between Vigorous and Minimal sales?

This guy had no stories of interest, but even if he had his speech was so fast!  Few people comprehended anything he said!  And his volume was very low.  No vocal projection, no movement on the stage, little to no gesture, or asking the audience questions to get them into the presentation.  These are all things that can be readily improved upon with the right training and speech Coach.

The attendee who asked for help

The person who conveyed this message also had a major speaking difficulty of the same magnitude.   Within a very short time he could be understood without others having to strain to listen.  His words were clear and articulation was succinct.  

A very happy person

This is what he said following the training.
Mark helped me be more understandable by marking out each word by tapping my fingers. That makes each word more distinct and prevents the run-togethers. Thanks! -Terry Schmidt-

Mark Ittleman Speech Coach for Professionals has 44 years of experience helping people improve their ability to speak.  He works with those who have medical speaking difficulties as well as professionals and executives who wish to become clear, articulate speakers who can move audiences in the corporate and marketing arenas.  He is certified as a speech language pathologist and certified by the American Speech Language and Hearing Associations and holds professional licenses within the USA.  He also works with international patients and executives.  Call today to set up your free video conference consultation at 832-233-2601.

Mark Ittleman Speech Training Professional Helps Clients Speak Their Best

Mark Ittleman Speech Training Professional
Mark Ittleman Speech Training Professional
Hi Teaching of Talking Friends! (And No I have not fallen off the edge of the earth!)

Teaching of Talking Tip for Better Speaking:
I got a Life Story from a Simple Question or Two
It was a busy month, and we have been traveling through Nevada, Arizona, California, San Francisco, and tomorrow we leave for Sonoma; the wine country to see this beautiful country.  Malka and I have loved visiting with Teaching of Talking Friends, and meeting with aphasia groups. 

 We are now headed North and will be presenting in Portland and throughout Oregon and into Washington State.  So if you would like to meet up, or have a presentation at your stroke club or University, please let us know.
This morning I was walking out of the shower room at San Francisco RV Park. In walked a gentleman who greeted me with “Good Morning.”

He told me they were “packing it up” and heading back South.
I asked where, and he told me Southern California and contributed they had been in Oregon last week, and that he absolutely loved it there! He asked where I was from. I told him Houston, and we remarked about the crowding and traffic.  I asked where in Oregon they had visited, and he told me the name of the town and how his best friend for many years lived there and they went to visit. 

Following that he told me that they had planned on moving there years ago, but at the last minute his wife decided no. Their children were there and she did not want to move far from them.

Almost a life story, just by asking one or two simple questions. The same concept applies to helping those who have speaking difficulties talk again. Ask simple questions, and converse at their level of difficulty; one word, phrases or sentences.

 It is about the interaction, not the mindless practicing of unrelated words or phrases that really makes the difference in attention, speaking improvement and carry over of automatic speech.  

Mark Ittleman has 44 years of experience helping people improve their ability to speak.  He works with those who have medical speaking difficulties as well as professionals and executives who wish to become clear, articulate speakers who can move audiences in the corporate and marketing arenas.  He is certified as a speech language pathologist and certified by the American Speech Language and Hearing Associations and holds professional licenses within the USA.  He also works with international patients and executives.  Call today to set up your free video conference consultation at 832-233-2601. 

Speech Coach for Professionals and Executives Mark Ittleman, M.S., CCC/SLP

Speech Coach for Professionals
Speech Coach for Professionals Mark Ittleman
Speech Coach for Professionals Mark Ittleman is dedicated to helping professionals and executives improve speaking skills.  The ability to speak and converse with others, and clearly articulate your personal message is a highly sought after skill in today's marketplace.

It's vital that speakers are understood the first time, without listener straining to understand the message.

Often listeners and audiences have difficulty understanding a message due to very rapid speaking, a soft voice, hesitancies, or presenting with annoying speaking behaviors.

Listeners do not want to strain to try and understand what is being said.  It's critical that your message is loud enough with optimum speed and emphasis so that your listener will be engaged and then will walk away having understood your message and what you wished to convey.

Speech Coach for Professionals Mark Ittleman offers executive coaching in the following speaking concerns:
  • Speaking Presentation Skills
  • Voice and diction
  • Establishing your own "unique style" of speaking
  • Articulation of speech
  • Addressing speaking dialects
  • Being totally understood by the listener
  • Speaking rate-speed
  • Vocal Emphasis
  • Establishing yourself as a well sought after speaker
  • Content development of presentations
Speech Coach for Professionals Mark Ittleman will share key elements that contribute to exceptional speaking skills.  Each month you will receive the blog from the Speech Coach for Professionals and Executives in addition to offers to help you personally through our online video coaching program where you can receive individual coaching that addresses your specific speaking concerns.

Mark Ittleman has 44 years of experience helping people improve their ability to speak.  He works with those who have medical speaking difficulties as well as professionals and executives who wish to become clear, articulate speakers who can move audiences in the corporate and marketing arenas.  He is certified as a speech language pathologist and certified by the American Speech Language and Hearing Associations and holds professional licenses within the USA.  He also works with international patients and executives.  Call today to set up your free video conference consultation at 832-233-2601.